** Winners take action…they simply get up and do what has to be done…”**

quote of the week:

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jadikanlah sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar" (Al Baqarah QS 2:153 )

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Ad banner removal

Finally, i can removed ad banner of the blogspot header ;) Thx to my new blog friend Denish who suggested me to remove the ad banner up here.Did U see ad banner up here at my blogger ? if you did, please tell me so i can get rid of it soon.
Once again, i spent a nite in the office since tomorrow is the day off.I feel much better with internet, can't get internet out of my head so i chose to stay here all nite long...nothin' more but surfing and learning :p hueheheh...( tepu dikit ah )...

btw, if y'all wanna know how to remove blogspot ad banner, you can ask me here..and insyaallah i will try to help you with a tip that i got from the blogger forum.Okay...nity nite :)
